Fall Only Program

coached by Mike Lawrence and Steve Ramsdale

Ages:  Boys born in 2010 who are in 8th grade or decided not to play for their high school team this fall (do not need to be current Sporting Columbus players)
What:  Practice 2-3 times a week with three events; no league; friendlies set up by the coach and three events including the Columbus Fall Classic September (9/20-21), Barcelona Cup (10/5-6) and one event TBD
Season:  Starts the week of August 5 - October 20
Times/Dates: TBD (meet three times a week on average) 
Where: Thompson Park or other location TBD
Fee:  $425 + $25 facility fee; home/away t-shirt included
Registration:  Click here to register (either log into your account or create a new account for new families and then choose Fall Only - Fall, 2024.  For new accounts, please be sure the player is listed as a household member prior to starting the registration).  
Deadline: 11:55 pm on July 31, 2023 (minimum of 15 players need)

Contact Us

Sporting Columbus
268 S Cassady Avenue
Columbus, OH 43209


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