Financial Policies

Financial Policies

Team Fee Payment

Upon acceptance of a roster spot, a parent or guardian must register their player on the appropriate team. A payment is required to confirm your spot. Fees may be paid in full or with a deposit and payment plan. Subsequent payments will be automatically billed to the credit card used when registering. Failure to make appropriate payments could result in the player being asked to leave the program.

Update Credit Card Information

Please log into your account to update your credit card information.

Multiple Player Family Discounts

Families with multiple children can take advantage of the following discounts (for team fees only):

First child (highest fees) – Full fee must be paid.
Second child (next highest fees) – 10% discount on respective fees.
Third child (third highest fees) – 20% discount on respective fees.
Fourth child (fourth highest fees) - 50% discount on respective fees.
Fifth or more children will have their fees waived.

Discounts shall be applied at the time it becomes applicable - discounts will not be retroactive and applied towards past payments.  Multi-player discounts will be applied after scholarships or other fee discounts.  There are no multi-player discounts on event fees or supplemental programming.

To request a multi-player discount, please click here.

Refunds and Cancellations


When a team is formed and a player registers for the team, the player is making a commitment that is expected to last for the entire club year.  If after the team is formed a player withdraws, it places the remaining players at a disadvantage. In some cases, the team may fall short of the required number of players to remain registered with the league. Players and families are expected to give serious consideration to this commitment when they register and commit to a team. Therefore, based on these factors our refund policies are as follows:

  • Deposits and Facility Fees are never refundable.
  • For players who withdraw from a team voluntarily after the deposit has been paid - no refund is given nor are subsequent monthly payments canceled.
  • For players who withdraw due to injury (and can produce verification from a doctor) or family relocation - refunds are available and any refund or monthly fee adjustment will be pro-rated and/or adjusted accordingly.


  • Facility Fees are never refundable.
  • For players who withdraw from a program voluntarily after the fee has been paid but before the program has started - a full refund (minus the facility fee) is given.
  • For players who withdraw after the program has started, no refunds are available unless the withdrawal is due to injury (and can produce verification from a doctor) or family relocation - refunds are available and any refund will be pro-rated and/or adjusted accordingly.

If you believe you are entitled to a refund, please click here and provide the name of the player and reason for the request.  Refund requests should be submitted within 14 days of the arising reason for the refund.  Any request will be reviewed and addressed within seven days.

Team Scholarship Application

We make every effort to help families having financial hardship so their child can participate. This application must be completed to start the review process. Note, this process is confidential. To request a scholarship application, please click here.


Contact Us

Contact Us

Sporting Columbus
268 S Cassady Avenue
Columbus, OH 43209

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